Visually Speaking /// Hello February

January 31st, 2012

Wow, you guys….February is here. We made it through the first month of 2012, woohoo! To commemorate February’s arrival I’ve compiled a roundup of all things Valentine’s Day. Now I know some of you may be like, ugh, Valentine’s day (grumble, grumble) but I hope you’ll try to look past the unfortunate “cheesiness” that the day receives, and embrace the beauty and general loveliness in the images below. Oh, and don’t forget your Valentine’s Day Cards! There are some really great ones here, wink wink.

PS- I will be announcing a special shop sale for February on Facebook later this week, so make sure to join me there so you don’t miss it!

Bath Bomb Confections // Creature Comforts

Kiva Ford // BB Sweets

Oh Happy Day

The Whirlwind

The Merriweather Council // Sprinkle Bakes

Knot + Bow // Martha Stewart


The Lonely Heart

Eat Drink Chic // Tobi

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